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Gallery FAQ

Gallery FAQ

Is it possible to slow down scrolling of the menu?

How do I make a private gallery with Imagevue?

7 Responses to "Gallery FAQ"

  1. Andrea Marasco Posted 6 years ago

    Is possible to have galleries with password protection?

  2. Folder password protection will be available in the next release of Imagevue coming soon. You can already password protect your folders with htaccess files, but this is not handled by Imagevue.

    You can also create “private” galleries by simply hiding a folder and only making it visible to the person/client who is supposed to see it. Go to your folder in the admin, and click “hide this folder” in the right-side panel. Now, this folder will not be visible to the public, but you can provide the private link, for example yourgallery/#/content/private-folder/.

  3. Roberto Tatangelo Posted 4 years ago

    Hi. Is there any method to rename all images in a folder in one step such as mass operation method?

    • unfortunately no, Imagevue can not batch-rename physical file names. I can only think of desktop solutions that would handle that locally.

      • Is it possible to batch rename the text descriptions for images? I really don’t like seeing a file name there, so even a single generic image description for a related set of photos would be an improvement.

        • Well, you can turn OFF titles … The whole point of having them, is to display some useful title from your images … If you dont create a title for the images, it will default to the filename … If the title is not useful for you, then why not disable it from displaying in the first place, under settings?

          There may be various desktop applications that can batch-rename the TITLE iptc metadata which is stored inside your image, and which Imagevue uses if it finds available. I am not aware of any specific.

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