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Various server-related Troubleshooting


How to make the gallery faster?

If you using thousands of picture Imagevue is becoming filesystem demanding, especially with large image and folder arrays. The slowdowns can be alleviated by moving to a faster host, splitting images to more folders or using smaller images.


I’m getting error “could not mail”

We use php mail() function, no smtp or anything, simplest function. On some servers it might be disabled. Before posting about that issue please read:


Failed to write session data

This happens every so often, session data is some small info to identify user who is logged in. This is stored on server, in temp directory. But sometimes this is either misconfigured or just directory not created or unwritable. We can’t fix it, this should be forwarded to your hosting support.


Can’t upload files bigger than X Mb?

This restriction is set in php.ini in upload-max-filesize. If you don’t have access to php.ini, please consult your hosting provider about how to change it.

Upload and edit config doesn’t work

You probably have suhosin security module installed. Properly configured, it poses no problems for imagevue, but some settings can interfere with normal functionality. Applies only if your Diag > phpinfo mentions ‘suhosin’ somewhere.

When editing configs, _bottom_ save button still works. If uploader doesn’t work you have to disable suhosin, read on:

How to turn off suhosin and mod_security to get multiple-file uploaders to work?
You have to upload .htaccess file in your gallery root with the following:

Disable suhosin:

php_flag suhosin.simulation On

Disable mod_security:

SecFilterEngine Off
SecFilterScanPOST Off

If .htaccess directives not working or display error 500, you are either trying to block extensions you don’t have installed (check diagnostics page), or this functionality is just disabled on your server.

Where can I find the .htaccess file (and other files) of imagevue (x2) to disable suhosin?
You just create file names ‘.htaccess’ in any text editor like Notepad. The only thing, on MacOS it’s better to create ‘htaccess’ file first (without dot), upload it and then rename to ‘.htaccess’.

PHP Optimizers (eAccelerator) causing errors.

If you have something like the below in Admin › Diagnostics ›

with eAccelerator v0.9.5.1, Copyright (c) 2004-2006 eAccelerator, by eAccelerator
with the ionCube PHP Loader v3.1.31, Copyright (c) 2002-2007, by ionCube Ltd., and
with Zend Optimizer v3.3.3, Copyright (c) 1998-2007, by Zend Technologies

try to add this .htaccess to your site:

php_flag eaccelerator.enable 0
php_flag eaccelerator.optimizer 0

Missing < and > from configs

Most likely you are running PHP 5.2.17 which came with a buggy libxml 2.6.32. You can see the version numbers in Imagevue Admin › Diag › PHP info.

Please contact your hosting provider and ask them to upgrade libxml. This version of libxml can’t parse XML correctly. This has been discussed on our forums here and here

2 Responses to "Troubleshooting"

  1. click on my link..node3 and node 4 at the bottom left nav bar are set to link to a specific gallery and to open in the frame.

    when clicked it always opens the home text page on imagevue..this is not supposed to do this.
    if I click on node 3 or 4 and open new tab it works fine but I need this to open in my right hand frame but it will not….there is nothing wrong with my frames as you can see all works ok except imagevue??

  2. If you choose “open in new tab”, the designated link will always open in a new tab. Only if you click the link normally will it open in the target you have designated in the link.

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